Westjet 737

Edited with Paint Shop Pro's brush strokes effect.
Westjet founder/CEO currently taking a hammering in the press for being a liar. Emails released by the courts show that he had full knowledge and made good use of the information his company was gathering illegally from Air Canada a few years ago. Previously he had denied much personal involvement.
Have to say I still don't get the lying thing. If you're 'gutsy' enough - this guy is hailed as a 'fiesty, competitive, true entreprenuer' - to lead your organization off into unethical and illegal activity, then at least have the balls to tell the truth when you get caught. Unfortunately, 'Management 2000' as practiced everywhere from country leaders through the boardrooms of North America is all about ducking responsibility and the truth. I guess the buck never stops any more.
TAGS: plane spotting, aircraft spotting, Westjet, Boeing 737, Paint Shop Pro
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