Deicing - Again

Some kind of perfect record. Including last year, went 5 straight trips where at least one leg required deicing. Would really love to see the Infra-Tek system from Radiant Energy become the standard in North America. From a recent press release:
"Radiant Energy Corporation (TSXV - 'RDT'), developer and marketer of InfraTek, the revolutionary, patented, infrared aircraft deicing system, is pleased to announce that it has opened its latest deicing facility at the Oslo Airport in Norway.
Airplanes to be deiced taxi into the specially designed hangar where radiant heat waves melt snow and ice from all surfaces of the aircraft. Existing facilities in the U.S. have shown that the system is economically superior, faster, and uses 70% less glycol than the current method used around the world.
Radiant is scheduled to open another deicing facility later this winter season at JFK Airport in New York."
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