Airplane Blog Toronto YYZ Pictures
Airplane Blog is dedicated to aircraft pictures from Toronto, around Toronto and other travels. Camera is a Nikon D-50.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Bad Airplane

I like planes. That's probably obvious. Don't ever remember seeing a plane I didn't like. Ever. Until today. This is the Dornier 328, perhaps the world ugliest jetliner. Really, what were they thinking - other than "how do I get jet engines unto a turboprop?", but come on, even with propellers someone must have noticed something wrong. What's with the wings? Makes it look more like a seagull than an airplane. Would you believe, this aircraft not only put Dornier out of business, but also put its purchaser and successor, Avcraft Aviation out of business also?! Now that's ugly! Kind of hard to return these things to the factory for servicing when there's no factory! Having said ALL that - it's still nice to get a shot of something different.
TAGS: Dornier 328, airliners, ugly
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Embraer 175

Got rid of the background and upped the brightness on this pic of an AC Embraer 175 on approach to YYZ. Those following this blog will be able to tell I've upped my camera technology (with a lot to learn) and getting knowledgeable enough to be dangerous with Paintshop Pro. Put them together and you end up with a pic like this - which seems OK - at least at this size.
The Embraer is my favourite Air Canada aircraft. Air Canada started it in service in August 2005 - 7 months ago. There are 13 currently in the fleet. It seats 73 with 9 in Exec Class.
TAGS: Air Canada, airliners, Embraer 175
Air Canada Jazz Regional Jet

Just after wheels-up. This aircraft (C-FZJA) is identified on Air Canada's website as a CRJ-100/200ER - one of the 50 seat Bombardier Regional Jets.
TAGS: airplane pictures, Air Canada Jazz, Regional Jet
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Air Jamaica

Air Jamaica Airbus A-321, stretch version of the A-320. Air Jamaica service to Toronto resumed in April 2004 after a 14 years of code sharing with Air Canada.
Monday, February 20, 2006
BWIA 737

Great looking 737-800 shot through the fence at the east end of 24R. BWIA operates 9 aircraft including (according to their website) 7 Boeing 737-800 Next Generation aircraft. Not sure about the next generation but like the funky paint job. Love their tagline: "sharing our warmth with the world". It was -10 blowing about 15 mph when the picture was taken. Also, great website url emblazoned on the back fuselage in bright yellow (not visible).
TAGS: aircraft pictures, airliners, Toronto
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Air Canada Kids Horizons

Kids Horizon logo'd Airbus. This from Air Canada's site on the Kid's Horizons program:
"Our program's primary focus is the enhancement of the quality of life of Canadian children and youth and their families. Through partnerships with organizations that offer effective and often-time cutting-edge programs, Kids' Horizons gives priority to:
Children and youth health
The fight against child poverty
Children wish granting
A major component of Kids’ Horizons is our Hospital Transportation Program. Through this initiative, Air Canada annually provides approximately 2700 flights to pediatric hospitals across Canada to help children reach medical treatment not available in their community."
TAGS: aviation, Air Canada, coporate charity
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Toronto Super Connie

These pics show the dismantling of the Super Constellation that sits at the northern edge of Pearson Airport. It used to be a restaurant. This post (scroll down) has more info and makes the point this aircraft has likely has some more highway miles than any other Constellation.
TAGS: aviation, Super Constellation, Toronto
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Air Canada CRJ-705

Beautiful afternoon for landing in TO. One of 15 Air Canada CRJ-705's - extended version of the RJ with 75 seats including 10 in exec class. Added to the fleet last June.
TAGS: aviation, Air Canada, regional jet